Bomb scared in Hollywood / Бомбена заплаха в Холивуд, Лос Анджелис

People evacuated or been warned to evacuate – all clear

Special forces are in the area, including the BOMB SQUAD OF FBI

A bomb threat closed the “heart” of Hollywood. Special forces are in the area, including the BOMB SQUAD OF FBI. Photo: BULGARICA

Feb 10, 2023 (Hollywood) A bomb scared in the subway has closed the “heart” of Hollywood. The boulevard of the same name in front of the Dolby Theater, where the entrance to the subway station is located, was blocked and closed by the police, west of Highland. People in all surrounding buildings have either evacuated or been warned to evacuate. Special forces are in the area, including the BOMB SQUAD OF FBI. This is exactly where the red carpet is rolled out for the Oscars of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, whose 95th edition will take place on March 12 this year.
It took less than an hour for law enforcement to determine where the threat was coming from and open up the surrounding area to normal life. All clear.

We remind you that Bomb Scare Closed Hollywood Boulevard Outside Oscars Venue in the same time of the year, on Jan. 13, after two suspicious packages were found near at the Hollywood-Highland Red Line Metro station, and it was called off after the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Arson/Explosives Detail identified the “suspicious packages as containing clothing only.”.
To date, specific information about today’s case has not yet been released by law enforcement.

Бомбена заплаха в метрото затвори “сърцето” на Холивуд. Едноименният булевард пред Долби тиатър, където се намира и входът за метростанцията бе блокиран и затворен от полицията, на запад от Хайленд. Хората във всички сгради наоколо, или са евакуирани, или са предупредени за евакуация. Специалните части на силовите служби са в района, включително BOMB SQUAD OF FBI. Това е точно мястото, където се разпъва червения килим за наградите Оскар на филмовата академия, чиито 95 издание ще се случи на 12 март т.г.
По-малко от час отне на органите на реда да установят от къде идва заплахата и да отворят пространството наоколо за нормален живот.

До момента, специфична информация за днешния случай все още не е публикувана от силовите служби.